Thursday, May 8, 2014

Stove Repair: Burner Controller Replacement

We had been having problems with a particular burner on our electric stove for a few months.  The burner would sometimes get red hot, even when the knob was set to low.  Makes for interesting results when you are just trying to keep something warm, and leave the kitchen for a few minutes.

Anyway, it's an 8" burner:

Need the right tools, of course.  So here's what I used.

With this sort of problem, it has to be the controller for the burner.  It sits right behind the adjustment knob.

So, after pulling the fuse to the stove, I pulled off the knob,

and unscrewed the two screws.  Next, had to take off the faceplate, or whatever you call the thing with all the labeling.  Unscrewed it with the right-angle screw driver.

Popping it open, you can see the old controller...along with the mess of wires back there.

Removed the old controller.  Here it is:

Here's the new one, which I got on Amazon for about $45.  Kind of expensive for what it is, but at least I don't have to pay anyone to install it.

It was easy to put it in.  Just replicate the wiring for the old one.

After that, it was just a matter of screwing the faceplate back on and turning the power back on .  Works like a dream.

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